In the heart of Alaska, a peculiar structure has captured the imagination of locals and visitors alike. Known colloquially as the «Dr. Seuss House,» this whimsical creation is officially called The Goose Creek Tower.
The Vision Behind the Goose Creek Tower
Anchorage attorney Phil Widner began constructing this architectural oddity in the early 1990s. Inspired by a creative vision that seems plucked from the pages of The Grinch or Hop on Pop, Widner has built a tower that currently stands an impressive 180 feet tall.
The unfinished design features multiple stories adorned with metal decks, giving it a stacked, almost teetering appearance. It’s a work in progress, with estimates suggesting it may take up to three more years to complete.
A Nod to Dr. Seuss and Other Whimsical Inspirations
The tower evokes the essence of Dr. Seuss’s imaginative worlds, reminiscent of The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins, where one might ascend a fantastical tower of endless possibilities. It also draws comparisons to other fictional homes, such as the quirky and endearing Weasley family house from the Harry Potter series, with its precariously stacked design.
A Love-It-Or-Leave-It Landmark
Widner’s creation has sparked curiosity and admiration, with some viewers expressing a fondness for its eccentric charm. Whether you’re a fan of Dr. Seuss’s imaginative tales or simply appreciate out-of-the-box architecture, this house has a way of capturing hearts.
As one observer mused, “How about you? Could you, would you, in a house like that?”
Whatever your take, the Dr. Seuss House is a testament to creativity and individuality, standing tall and proud in the Alaskan wilderness.
How can you witness this intriguing landmark yourself?
You can catch a glimpse of it from the Parks Highway or while riding the train between Anchorage and Denali, though only from afar. The best way to experience it is from above. If you book a flightseeing tour out of Talkeetna, be sure to ask your pilot to fly over the famous Dr. Seuss house!